You are viewing the results for 100-årscupen 2017. View the current results for 100-årscupen 2019 here.

IK Frej

IK Frej was one of 39 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during 100-årscupen 2017. They participated with two teams in Pojkar 2008.

Frej comes from Täby which lies approximately 61 km from Strängnäs, where 100-årscupen takes place. The area around Täby does also provide 7 additional clubs participating during 100-årscupen 2017 (IFK Lidingö FK, Gustavsbergs IF FK, Viggbyholms IK FF, Ingarö IF, Boo FF, Spånga IS FK and IF Brommapojkarna).

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Intersport IK Viljan Strängnäs Kilenkrysset Mekonomen Bilverkstad Strängnäs Bowler Reklam Simling Bil KIA SEB